Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Urgent Ministry Need - Narrow Gate Projects and the Brittan Family (Please Read)

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.  Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm.” Epheshians 6:12-13.

I remember preaching from this text, more than 8 years ago, when we are getting ready to leave for the mission field the very first time.  I knew the text.  I knew what it meant, and how it related to our task, as we were telling people about our plans to serve in Thailand.  Not that I was over idealistic about what was ahead, but I really did not have any idea about what I was getting into, or about how Spiritual Warfare was going to play out in my life, my family, and my ministry. Since then, I could share story after story during our time in Thailand about attacks that have thwarted our work and ministry.  BUT NEVER, have we experience the onslaught of warfare that we have seen this year.  We have already shared with you about fierce attacks against our family, we have had financial attacks, we have had physical attacks like destructive storms and earthquakes, and most recently we are having a major attack on my own health.

In the midst of these attacks, we have also seen God, our Lord and Shepherd giving us goodness and loving kindness, all along the way.  This comes in many different forms, ranging from encouragement in His Word,  letters and prayers of encouragement from you, Facebook Comments, care packages, surprise financial gifts, special relationships in the community, or something as simple as the local 7-11 starting to carry REESE’s Peanut Butter cups a few weeks ago!

Volunteers from Harvey BC and Birchman BC serving in a mountain village

The Lord uses each of these to encourage and confirm that we are doing, what in fact God has called us to do.  There is no doubt in my mind and heart, that Narrow Gate Asia and the Brittan family has been asked to live and work in such a way to build very unique relationships and opportunities in the community.  Using our farm project we have been able to disciple our interns and staff, share agricultural technologies, and most importantly we see amazing opportunities to share the love of Jesus in a contextual way.

This month, is a very important month for our project and for our ministry, and we urgently need your help and prayers.

On July 31, we are scheduled to make our first bi-annual payment towards the principle on the land for our ministry project.  We need to immediately raise $10,000  usd to complete the payment amount, along with other related development expenses.  Following my recent trip to the US, we have been very encouraged about how God is confirming our decision to purchase this land through our fundraising efforts.  That said, the financial burden as a result of storm rebuilding and personal health care over the past few months have left us short for the payment. 

Overall, we need to raise $75,000  for the complete balance, and are also praying for an additional $50,000 usd to further develop training facilities, an outreach center, and staff/intern housing.  There may be an individual, group, or church that feels lead to raise and provide this entire amount, and we would be grateful for that, and would look forward to planning how we might arrange for that to take place.  We also want to encourage each of you to consider how you might partner with us on a monthly support basis.

Today, I have asked much of God through you.  I ask by Faith, because we serve a God with a big plan and vision for the Northern Thai People and for Narrow Gate Asia.  Remember, that we are your missionaries, and we are blessed to stand along with you, in the Narrow Gate that leads to LIFE and LIFE abundantly.

I hope to hear from you soon.  All contributions to Narrow Gate Asia are tax deductible, and can be sent via check to our PO Box or Online via Paypal.  For assistance with special contributions through trusts, savings plans, foundations, real estate, like kind donations, etc, please contact me at hbrittan@narrowgateasia.org and we can help to facilitate these transactions .

I cannot thank you or tell you enough about how much you each mean to our family and ministry.

God Bless, and Thank you from the Brittan Family

Harry, Pattie, Hattie, Emma, Harry V, and Nellie.

Send Letters and Tax Deductible Contributions to:

Narrow Gate Asia
P.O. Box 260275
Plano, TX 75026-0275 USA

Please use this link to go direct to PayPal:

Contact us on Facebook, or at hbrittan@narrowgateasia.org 

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