Saturday, October 08, 2011

The week in review

Just wanted to take a minute to give you an update on the Brittan family happenings this week. There are some weeks in our lives where so much happens that it is worth reporting right away. This update will cover a little more than a week, but it is well worth the time to report all the activities.

First, on Thursday, September 29 we were blessed to have two young boys, Somgiat (14) and Sanchat(15) join us to help at the farm. This month the Thai school system is closed for their semester break, and all of the students from their foundation usually return home to family to work and rest. These two boys do not have any parents to return to during the break, so they have come to help out during their break at the farm. They are full of joy and energy all day, and it seems that they are loving their stay. Here are a couple pictures of them today fishing with Lil' Harry and Joshua.

Sweet times with two sweet boys.

The weekend of October1st we celebrated Pattie's birthday. Harry and Pattie were able to get away one night to celebrate. The real treat was the steak and dessert we had at a local restaurant. Also, the relaxing night at the resort was a well needed break from our crazy schedule.

On Sunday, October 2 our friend Adriaan was helping to mow the lawn at our house when he was stung by a hornet in our yard. His leg, ankle, and foot swelled-up so large in about 6 hours after the sting. We went ahead and took him to the hospital about 10 pm that night to help him get some relief. It took him about 24 hours to be able to walk without pain. On Monday, our helper at our house told Harry that the neighbors were saying that we had the largest hornet's nest that they have ever seen. It is about the size of an exercise ball, and it is located in the large tamarind tree right next to our house. We have had many people interested in removing the next from the tree. The local people here love to eat the larvae from this nest, so they are willing to remove it for free if we give them the nest. No problem; they can have it. The men came while this blog was being written, so I already have an update. They were unable to remove the nest tonight. The nest is high in the branches, and the branches are too flimsy to get to it. One man was running out of the yard, and Harry thinks he had a hornet in his pants. The men left without completing the task, so we continue to pray for the safe exit of these hornets from our yard.

On Wednesday evening on our way home we had a car accident. A motorcycle turned in front of our van, and I was unable to stop the van before it hit the motorcycle and two other motorcycles that were sitting in the middle of the highway waiting to go across the road. God was with us all. The van struck the front of the motorcycle that turned in front of us, and knocked the two guys to the ground. The driver broke his collarbone, and the passenger said he had a bad headache (he wasn't wearing a helmet). The other two motor cycles that were hit sustained some minor damage, and the drivers did not have any serious injuries. They were very sore from being knocked from their motor cycle. Our van sustained damage to the front bumper and turn signals on both sides. The two front doors are not able to open fully due to the bumper being pushed back. All vehicles are repairable. The amazing part of the story starts with how the accident was handled with the police. Our friend, Koi, just happen to be in Mae Sai visiting her family, and she was planning to come to our house on this same night to visit with us. Koi works for the Tourist Police in Chiang Rai, and her job is to translate for the foreigners who are dealing with cases with the police. Pattie immediately called her to come help. She was a real blessing to us by helping to translate for Pattie (it is really hard to speak Thai smoothly when you are jittery). She already knew the system for handling accidents, and she knew all the questions to ask when we were working through the investigation. All parties involved were able to resolve their claims within 24 hours of the accident, and our van is now getting repaired. We are hoping to have it back early this week. A friend has loaned us a vehicle to drive for a few days. Praise God for friends. A few pictures of the scene:

The passenger side of the van, and the motorcycle that turned in front of the van.
(The motorcycle has been set-up from where it fell down)

The driver side of the van with the motorcycles still laying where they fell.

The two motorcycles that were in the center of the highway, and
the skid marks from the van trying to stop.

At the time of the accident Harry and Hattie were about our hours away from Mae Sai. They were just returning from a trip to East Thailand to purchase some new goats for our farm. It was a very educational trip for both Harry and Hattie. Both of them learned alot of new things about feeds, livestock, and agriculture in Thailand. They were able to meet some new friends, and Harry just keeps talking about the wonderful food that they had at the two different farms that they visited. When they returned home on Wednesday night they unloaded three new goats.

New black Sanaan babies for Hattie.

Hattie loves her goats.

This is our new Boer buck that will enable our pastors
who are training with us to raise meat goats.

Today was a wonderful ending to a busy week. After the work was done at the farm the boy wanted to go fishing. So they cut some bamboo sticks, caught some crickets, and we purchased a little set with a bobber and hook. It was a hot day so the fish weren't biting, but it was fun to see all the boys work together.

As I (Pattie) reflect on the past week, I just smile. I know that God knew everything that would take place, and He knew every outcome of every situation. He knows.........

What an awesome God we serve! Thank you Lord for the things we get to experience in this life.

This coming week you can pray for:

  • Please pray for Thailand. Flooding throughout Thailand has already caused many deaths, the main highway is shutdown, and disease is imminent with the amount of water that is standing.
  • Harry leaves Mae Sai on Monday morning to go pick-up the rest of the goats in Eastern Thailand. Please pray for safe travel and smooth transition for the goats.
  • Our van repairs to be completed quickly and accurately. Pray for Pattie and the kids as they continue to travel to Chiang Rai each day for school.
  • Somgiat and Sanchat as they continue to work at the farm. Pray that they feel loved and that they gain some experience that will help them in their future.
  • The provision for school tuition for our children.
  • Our school will be moving to their new school buildings in about two weeks. Pray that God will look after all the details. Pray that Pattie will be able to get all the computer network and phone line details worked out during the move week. Pray for John (our IT guy) that he will be able to get all the computers functioning on the new school network during the move.
  • The Brittan Family to continue to be a light in this dark place. Pray for good relations with our neighbors where God has planted us. Pray that our witness here will change lives for His sake.

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