Monday, February 07, 2011

"GO ... Bapizing Them!"

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit," Matthew 28:19 -20.

As I get ready to begin the week, I wanted to write and touch base with you to celebrate God's goodness and faithfulness in North Thailand and across the border. When we look at Baptism, the Bible gives us an Example through Jesus Christ, the Lord gives us a picture of what He has done spiritually in the lives of new believers, and he helps us understand better how we are a New Creation in our life with Him. He also gives us a very clear command to GO, Tell, to Make Disciples, and to Baptize new believers into the Church as a testimony of changed lives to the world.

This past week, Pastor Shwe, invited me to come and preach at his small home church across the border. We have been mentoring and discipling this young preacher for over one year and it was our blessing to take him up on this invitation. I preached on the topic of Baptism to this small group of unbelievers and new Christians. After the service, Pastor Shwe, baptized 10 new believers into Narrow Gate Church in the country across the border.

Celebrate with us the New Life that each of these new believers have in the name of Jesus Christ! Also... join with us to celebrate the registration, and membership of our newest brothers and sisters into Narrow Gate Church.

I am overwhelmed at God's goodness, and His faithfulness to guide and sustain the ministries of Narrow Gate Asia. Whether we teach English, work in the farm, or teach God's Word, I am reminded that we must be intentional about all our activities to insure that we are building relationships that will impact the Kingdom of God for Eternity. Thank you all for your prayers, and continued support of our family and Narrow Gate Asia in Thailand.

  • Praise God for the testimony of Baptism for these new Believers.
  • Praise God for the establishment of Narrow Gate Church across the border.
  • Praise God for completion of our Non-Profit Registration with IRS in America!
  • Praise God and pray for delivery of 37 goats THIS WEEK at Narrow Gate Farm and Dairy.
  • Pray for mentor-ship and discipleship of young pastors as they begin to serve God.
  • Pray for financial resources for Farm facilities, Utilities, and Livestock.
  • Pray for Thai Partners to join the Narrow Gate Asia team as we serve among the Northern Thai and Hill-Tribe Peoples.
  • Pray for Co-Workers to Pray, Serve, and Give Financially to the ministries of Narrow Gate Asia.
  • Pray the God's Kingdom will come and His Will be done at Narrow Gate Asia.

To Become a Narrow Gate Asia C0-Worker
Send Letters and Tax Deductible Contributions to:

Narrow Gate Asia
P.O. Box 260275
Plano, TX 75075 USA

Contact us on Facebook, or at

Thank you for your prayers and support,
Forever In His Grip
Harry and Pattie

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