Monday, October 10, 2016

"Training for Future Servants!"

At Narrow Gate Farm and Dairy, we have a vision to reach the people of Northern Thailand with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  In the same way… God has given us special opportunities over the years to use our farm as a tool to prepare and send missionaries and bi-vocational pastors to serve in the mission field as well.

Recently a group of missionary students studying with Overseas Mission Fellowship (OMF) from Thailand, Singapore, and Korea came to visit our farm and participate in workshop dedicated to sharing what we have learned in our Business as Mission project here in Chiang Rai.  For Narrow Gate Farm and Dairy and the Brittan Family, doing Business is our MISSION STRATEGY to share the Gospel and plant indigenous churches in North Thailand.  From our Experiences, these new servants had a chance to see firsthand how our business works, and more importantly we conducted training about the purposes and principles of doing Business with a Kingdom focus.

This one-day workshop started with a tour of our farm and discussion about how cross-cultural workers do business in a contextually appropriate way.  This was followed by a tasting of the Best Tasting GOAT MILK in all of Thailand!  We then sat down for lecture and discussions on topics ranging from mission strategy, integration of business principles and Kingdom Principles, and then practical application of Business as Mission strategies.  The leaders from this group have visited our farm many times, and we were blessed this round to host their group for training.  We look forward to a growing relationship with them and most importantly how God is going to use these Christ Followers for the expansion of His Kingdom throughout Asia.

Our project has hosted live-in pastor interns, conducted workshops with groups like YWAM, and discipleship training groups doing Business as Mission service projects.  Through these training and experiential opportunities, Narrow Gate Farm and Dairy and Marketplace and Development Enterprises (A Ministry of SEND International) has an opportunity to not only impact North Thailand, but many other regions of Asia and the World.  For the future, we have been invited and pray for the opportunity also conduct these training in Malaysia, Shanghai, and Israel!

We serve a big God, and through our Business as Mission outreach project in North Thailand we are praying that we can see God’s Kingdom come and Will be done in and through Narrow Gate, the Brittan Family, and our ministry partners at SEND / MDE.

Thank you for your continued prayers, encouragement, and financial support.


  • Pray for financial support of $4,000 usd for the cost of a used vehicle for ministry transportation.
  • Pray for financial support of $5,000 usd for tuition and education expenses for our children at Chiang Rai International Christian School.
  • Pray for increased monthly financial support and partners for personal missionary expenses and for outreach project expenses.
  • Pray for our new role in Church Planting and Development with our partners at Baan Athitaan Church in Chiang Rai… that the church would be strengthened and have a impact for the Kingdom of God in Chiang Rai.
  • Pray that our outreach project at Narrow Gate Farm and Dairy will open doors to the Gospel for the Lost of North Thailand.

God Bless,

The Brittan Family
Harry, Pattie, Hattie, Louise, Harry V, and Nellie

Send Letters and Tax Deductible Contributions to:

Mail a check made payable to "SEND International"and (Include a note with our account #216155 - Brittan)SEND International
Attn: Lynn Karidis
P.O. Box 513
Farmington, MI  48332

Online Giving Please use this link to go direct to : The Brittan Family and Narrow Gate Online Giving

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