Thursday, October 29, 2015

"Faith and Trust in the Midst of Change"

“Our hope for you is unshaken, for we know that as you share in our sufferings, you will also share in our comfort.” 2 Corinthians 1: 7.

Pattie and I had the privilege of being the speakers at the Married Adult Annual Retreat for a group from Birchman Baptist Church .  The retreat was held at Riverbend Resort and Conference center in Glen Rose, Texas this past weekend and close to 25 couples came to spend time in God’s Word, Fellowship, and enjoy the grounds and facilities along the beautiful Brazos River.  The Lord put it on our hearts to share about Faith and Trust in the Midst of Change, and God blessed our time, speaking to us through a very special series of discussions, through His Word, Testimony, and Prayer.  It was a blessing to be able to share and teach with this special group of people.  We have been able to see God working in our many experiences over the past couple years and it is through these challenges that this message was born.  I believe, just as Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians, we go through these things so that we might be a comfort and encouragement to others.  As the weekend came to a close, I was so encouraged to see the couples and the group coming together in prayer … to share in carrying the burdens and challenges in our own walks.

Thank you to the Married Adult 4 Class at Birchman Baptist Church in Fort Worth for the invitation to come and share…

Pattie and I would like to let YOU know … That we would love to help you with YOUR next retreat or conference for your group, church, or staff!!!  We can work together with you and your planning team to make a schedule and program tailor made for your needs.  No group is too large or too small.  Contact us today so that we can reserve a time to meet and discuss the possibilities.

Meanwhile in Thailand … Our team continues to operate the farm, and we are excited to see pictures of new Goats being born in the farm.  This new life represents for me the power and purpose of our ministry.  God has prepared a project, a team, and a plan to reach the people of North Thailand with the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ through evangelism, discipleship, and partnership with the local church community to strengthen and prepare leaders for ministry.  The Lord has uniquely positioned our “Business as Mission” project in Chiang Rai to build intimate relationships with key leaders and business in the community so that we might be a part of God’s work to see His Kingdom come and Will be done I North Thailand.

I am praying as we head into this holiday season the Lord will bring to our ministry financial partners, committed to support and pray for our ministry on a monthly basis.  We would like to ask you to pray about how God can use you and your financial support to further the projects and ministry of the Brittan Family and Narrow Gate Asia. Thank you for your support.

  • Pray for an immediate need of $2500 usd for continuing support of NGA Operational cost in Thailand.
  • Pray for an immediate need of $3500 usd for continued missionary support, ministry, and travel while on Stateside in the month of November.
  • Pray for continued cultural adjustments for our family as we live and serve NGA from the USA.
  • Pray for development of new church ministry partners in the US for prayer, support, and member care services.
  • Pray for upcoming Missions Conferences and Missions Banquets we will be participating in, and that people will be encouraged to make disciples.
  • Pray for our farm team as they continue to Serve the Lord and share Jesus with the people of North Thailand.
God Bless.
The Brittan Family
Harry, Pattie, Hattie, Emma, Harry V, and Nellie.

Send Letters and Tax Deductible Contributions to:

Narrow Gate Asia
P.O. Box 260275
Plano, TX 75026-0275 USA

Please use this link to go direct to PAYPAL:

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