Monday, December 12, 2011

Introducing our Co-Workers

"The fields are white for the harvest, and the workers are few ..." God used this passage nearly 10 years ago to call our family to serve on the mission field. We have been praying for workers and co-workers ever since. As we come to this Christmas season, we want to thank God for each one of you, our co-workers! We also want to introduce you to our ministry team and partners here in the Mae Sai border area.

Adison Rungsiripipat and his wife Milky have been called to start a church in PhaMii Village where our farm is located. The people here are of the Akha Hill tribe and he not only does evangelism and church planting, but runs a language school for Chinese and English. Pastor Adison is a business partner with us at Narrow Gate Farm, and we also work together to be a blessing to the Akha people of the community. Pastor Adison had the opportunity to Baptize the first four new converts in to the church in April of this year.

Pastor Henry and Mary Shwe, serve as pastor and house parents for Narrow Gate Community Church of Tacheliek, Myanmar. Henry works among the Shan / Burmese people of the region, and he has been participating in our discipleship training for over two years. In addition to the church, he has begun a children's hostel and is working with other village pastors to do outreach in the mountains around Thacheliek.

Sangtee Zillian and his wife Taaw San
have been working and learning at Narrow Gate Farm and Dairy for the past seven months. God has called him to plant a church among the Shan people in the border region, and also to use goat farming to support his ministry. He is being descipled, learning about church planting, serving in the local church, and getting experience on the farm. After his internship, his family will receive six goats to start his own herd to support his ministry.

Phi Na Tha Nii has been a friend of our family for a long time, and six months ago she came to join our team at Narrow Gate Farm and Diary. She graduated from Bible School and is now using her skills to minister with Pastor Adison in the local Akha village. She does children's ministry, leads the Girls Home at the church, and does discipleship with the youth who live there. Because she is a Bi-vocational minister, she supplements her income by pasteurizing and bottling milk for our farm to sell, and also teaches Thai language to our interns.

We also want to welcome Mathis, his wife Elizabeth, and two year old daughter CuMuDuu who came to join our ministry one month ago. They are from a village about 30 kms north of Tacheliek, Myanmar. He graduated from the Baptist Akha Bible School and will now be receiving practical ministry experience and training while serving with our local village church. He has a strong agricultural background and while learning about raising goats, he will also be able to help our farm establish much needed feed crops for our animals. After his inter-ship, he will return to Myanmar and plant a church and start a farm among the Akha hill-tribe people.

Our vision and prayer for Mae Sai, Thailand and the surrounding border region is to see “God’s Kingdom come, and Will be done.” This is a huge task and just as we co-labor with you, PARTNERS and Co-workers in the mission field are essential to achieving that goal. Whether we physically labor in the field, labor on our knees in prayer, or labor through our financial gifts, we are working together.

As we approach Christmas and the New Year, please be in prayer for the following specific ministry needs and about how the Lord might call you to Co-Labor with us at Narrow Gate Asia.

Prayer / Needs Request:
- Financial Co-Workers to partner on a monthly basis.
- Staff housing and Training Facilities development - $10,000
- Ministry Vehicle Purchase / Expenses
- Monthly Intern/Partner Sponsorship - $250 each.
- Children's Education and Expenses - $5,000.
- New Well / Water Source for Outreach Project - $3,000.
- State Side Visit Summer of 2012 - (Housing and Airline Miles)

Thank you for your prayers, support, and partnership with Narrow Gate Asia. May God Bless you and may you have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Remember that all contributions to Narrow Gate Asia are tax deductible and can be mailed to us directly or sent through our PayPal link.

Please use this link to go direct to PayPal:

Or, go to our Blog and click the "Donate" button at:

Thank you for your prayers and support,
Forever In His Grip
Harry and Pattie Brittan

Send Letters and Tax Deductible Contributions to:

Narrow Gate Asia
P.O. Box 260275
Plano, TX 75075 USA

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